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Rice Protein Powder

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    Rice protein is yellow powder, soluble in water, dilute acid and dilute alkali solution.

    Rice protein powder is a kind of additive that can improve food quality, color, aroma and taste.


    Rice protein has become the preferred vegetable protein for nutrition supplementation for special people because of its hypoallergenicity and high nutrition.Rice protein formula rice powder can target the sensitive diarrhea of infants and young children;Non-gluten rice protein is more suitable for people with wheat intolerance, allergy or coeliac disease.Rice protein concentrate can better replenish the body's capacity and maintain nitrogen balance when the normal protein intake is reduced or the digestive function is damaged.And can assist the treatment of peptic ulcer, trauma and so on.


    Rice protein powder, the by-product of starch sugar prepared from rice, is an excellent feed raw material with high protein content, fast energy conversion, high digestibility, good palatability, good disease resistance, low antigenicity and balanced amino acids.Adding the concentrate of rice gluten to aquatic feed can not only improve the digestibility of fish, but also control its excretion, so as to keep the water quality clear and control water pollution.Rice protease hydrolysis can produce flavor peptides that can replace sodium glutamate (MSG), which can effectively cover the bitterness, enhance the viscosity of feed and improve the palatability of feed, and can chelate trace elements and minerals, which can increase the feed intake of animals and ensure safety and harmless.




    Food additive



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